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8 Ingenious Ways to Reuse Glass Jars

Publish Time: 2021-08-16     Origin: Site

Did you know that the average household throws out about 480 pounds of glass every year? Even if you don’t quite meet the national average, your fridge is still probably full of sauces, beverages and condiments chilling in glass containers. Good thing there are plenty of great ideas out there for reusing them. Learn how to reuse glass bottles and jars of all shapes and sizes in simple but spectacular ways.

8 Ingenious Ways to Reuse Glass Jars

1. Cute Candy Jars

Get yourself a can of silver spray paint and some wooden knobs, and you can quickly transform ordinary jars into classic candy jars. Set them out on your counter to satisfy your own sweet tooth or make them the centerpiece of a candy table at a birthday party, wedding reception or other celebration. 

2. Personalized Pincushion

Grab a pretty fabric scrap, some batting and a hot glue gun, and you can reuse a jar as a mini sewing kit or button holder, topped with a one-of-a-kind pincushion. This would be a great gift idea for anyone who loves to sew.

3. Homemade Hanging Storage

For a more ambitious way to reuse glass jars, grab a hammer and some leather strips, 1×4 boards and decorative furniture tacks to create gorgeous hanging storage. Perfect for holding office items around your desk, mixing spoons and other kitchen tools or even decorative items such as flowers or candles.

4. Inexpensive Desk Organizers

Whether you decorate them or leave them unadorned, a few glass jars can quickly turn a chaotic desk into a pleasantly organized oasis. Same goes for a work bench, junk drawer or any other messy area.

5. DIY Terrarium

Fill an empty glass jar with a 2-inch layer of pebbles, enough activated charcoal to cover them and some potting soil. Voila: your own DIY terrarium is ready to be filled with miniature succulents or cacti to bring a little bit of nature into your home.

6. Custom Toiletry Holders

A few glass jars make for a stylish and inexpensive way to keep your vanity organized. Smaller jars can even be used inside your medicine cabinet or vanity drawers. Consider painting the jars to complement your bathroom décor or decorating them with ribbon.

7. Votive Candle Holder

Got some smaller glass jars you need a way to reuse? Fill them with votive candles and use them to create a beautiful, cozy atmosphere in any room. You can leave the jars clear or add metallic paint for a little extra glow.

8. Space-Saving Spice Storage

Baby food or other small jars can be reused as storage for your spices. If you buy spices in bulk, this will save tons of space in your cupboards. Even if not, jars are more stackable than typical plastic spice canisters. Jars are also easier to fit your measuring spoons into!


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