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New Glass Recycling Program

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-02      Origin: Site

Connecticut's Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority (HRRA) has implemented a new recycling program to separate glass from its current mixed, single-stream disposal system. The new program was enacted to address contamination.

Bethel First Selectman Matthew Knickerbocker commented on the change, saying: "I think it's safe to say that with the average consumer average homeowner, they have their big old blue bin. They do their single-stream recycling. They put their glass in there. Oftentimes, a nickel wasn't enough to make it really worth their while to take returnable containers back to the store. So, they just put it all in there and they said, 'I'm a good citizen.' Well, we come to find out that a great deal of that glass is not recyclable, and even worse, it contaminates some of the materials that are recyclable. We're asking consumers and giving them the opportunity to separate the good glass from the bad glass and put it in one of these bins."

Knickerbocker explained that food-grade containers such as pickle jars, pasta sauce jars, liquor and wine bottles can be recycled and remanufactured indefinitely. The previous system saw residents place items such as broken mirrors, drinking glasses and other items with plasticizers in them in the recycling bin. While they improve the elasticity of the glass, items with plasticizers cannot be recycled and typically end up as landfill cover once it goes through processing at a MRF.

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Through partnerships with local stakeholders Oak Ridge Recycling, Strategic Materials and Urban Mining, the HRRA is now able to collect and find an end-life for food-grade glass containers.

Oak Ridge Recycling CEO John Decker explained how recycling has shifted from a multi-bin to a single-stream process over the last few decades.

All of the "complicated separation" has moved to the back end of the process to make it easier for the consumer to participate in recycling programs. He noted a decrease in truck traffic, reduced emission and an increase in participation. Contamination from items such as plastic bags and garden hoses steadily rose as a result of the shift to single stream. And now, glass is "really detrimental," he says.

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"Recycled glass and most of these products not only displaces virgin-mined materials like sand, but also melts at a lower temperature resulting in energy savings and CO2 emission reductions at our customers," said Andrew Crowley, director of operations, Strategic Materials. "A consumer in Connecticut can buy a glass-packaged product off the grocery shelf, use it, recycle it, and it could be back on back on the shelf in 30 days being reused. Glass is infinitely recyclable."



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